Raven Hill Studios   727-394-4-USA (727-394-4872)
P.O. Box 15756   customerservice@ravenhillstudios.com
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
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Resolved by Corporal Punishment 07: Amber (DVD)
Same description as VHS version.

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$ 49.95
It's the old fashioned way to keep a girl in line! And you'll see a number of pretty girls getting their bottoms "corrected" with the backsides of stiff wooden hairbrushes. Here's a nice variety of those effective, bare-bottommed punishments, all contained in this compilation.

$ 15.00
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 16: Carla (DVD)
Reality Spankings!

Carla didn't take care of her neighbor's property. Now she comes to Raven Hill Manor to get her naughty bottom taken care of, instead.

Bonus features:
* Revealing, nude photography session
* Candid interview
* Choose from    TWO different camera angles, to watch the spanking
* Extra footage, and spanking video promos

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$ 49.95
Czech Brutal 1: ''Night of Beating'' (DVD)
NOW ON DVD! Exclusively offered by Raven Hill Studios.
One of the more stunning, and severe spanking videos EVER!

* Crystal-clear, high-quality, detailed picture
* Improved digital audio
* Extra Czech-made spanking footage and highlights

Visit the VHS version listed for further description of this video.

$ 49.95
More Girls Getting Spankings
Watch 20 different girls, getting 20 different spankings! Each bares their bottoms, bends way over, and receives strict, strong punishment-style spankings. You'll watch this great variety of naughty girls getting spanked by hand, paddle, cane, leather strap and more. This is Episode 2 of our popular "Girls Getting Spankings" dvd.

$ 20.00
Beach Girl Spankings 03 (VHS)
Two Florida girls, and one Chicago beach bunny get their tails tanned good and proper in this reality spanking feature.

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$ 49.95
Tears From Russia 8-Disc Collectors' Set, No. 3
8 Full-Length RUSSIAN SPANKING MOVIES in one great Collectors' Set.

Produced in the former Soviet Union, these Russian movies are regarded as some of the most extreme, and most intense authentic punishment movies available. Click on "More Info" to see the 8 Full-Length Movies you get in Collectors' Set No. 1.

Regular Price: 199.95
Save over almost 110-dollars!

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$ 89.95
The Forbidden Room
Fooling Around With Serious Discipline Equipment Lands Two Girls In Trouble with the Master of the House.

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$ 49.95
A Spanking Works Better - DVD
The Spanking Video that Started Raven Hill Studios!
Format: DVD

When his daughters ASK for spankings instead of groundings, this father drives home some very hard lessons.

Bonus DVD Features:

* Director's audio track, explaining scene set-up and obstacles
* Special mini-documentary on shooting the first Raven Hill movie
* Still photography gallery
* Promos

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$ 49.95
Real Over-The-Knee SPANKINGS
They get their skirts raised, and their panties lowered. Then, they're dragged over the knee for nice, long, butt warmings from the bare hand! It's a real effective way to correct any young lady, and you'll be able to watch many of these cute girls get the proper, OTK spankings they need.

$ 15.00
'Czech Brutal II, ''Ruining His Bad Girl's Rear'' (VHS)
Videotaped Entirely in the Czech Republic.

A Czech madman decides his daughter needs some much stricter discipline than she's used to receiving.

This poor girl is stripped naked, then caned and leather strapped until she's howling at the top of her young lungs.

Another very severe offering from Eastern Europe.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 21: Brandyn
DVD - Reality Series
Bonus Features: 3 Camera Angles to choose from while viewing, interview sessions, video of nude photo shoot, still photo gallery, spanking promos

Watch Brandyn get spanked hard to keep out of Small Claims Court.

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$ 49.95
Girls Getting Spankings (DVD)
Format: DVD

If you like variety, this is the video for you! You get to watch 20 different girls, getting 20 different spankings. Each gets their pretty bottom reddened, blistered and welted from a variety of spanking instruments like paddles, canes, leather straps, hairbrushes and more.
   This is a wonderful collection. And a real value. Don't miss this opportunity to own so much punishment-style spanking action.

$ 20.00
Reality Spankings!

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$ 49.95
Naked Violations (DVD)
It's back to the Reform School again! Three helpless, naked girls get a strong taste of a big leather sprap while secured to the punishment cross.

There is also a good, hard, bottom-welting caning. Just the kind we like to see!

Last but certainly not least, you get to watch the sexually explicit and highly degrading anal violation of the most prettily inoccent appearing girl in the movie!

$ 49.95
Format: DVD

See sixteen different spankings on 1 DVD. These are REAL, punishment style spankings for 1 special LOW price!

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$ 20.00
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 09: Marissa (VHS)
Format: VHS

Marissa let her mutt get loose, and it knocked up her neighbor's pedigreed breeder!

Marissa doesn't seem at first to see the error of her ways, offering all kinds of excuses for her negligent behavior. But, as    the punishments progress from a warming hand-spanking to bruising whacks with a grooming brush, to slicing, stinging strokes of the cane, her increasingly loud and anguished cries indicate that she's finally learned her lesson!

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$ 49.95
It's the old paddle, cracked across their bare bottom that will change the attitude of any girl! Here's a delightful collection of bare bottom paddlings, captured by the Raven Hill Studios cameras. Watch girl after girl, wince in pain from each hard swat.

$ 15.00
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 24: Leihla
DVD - Reality Spanking Series
Bonus Features include: 3 camera angles to choose from while viewing, behnd the scenes interviews and scenes, video of nude photo shoot, production stills, spanking video promos.

18-year old Leihla gets her spoiled ass spanked hard with hand, hairbrush and cane.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 18: Jenna - DVD
Format: DVD

Watch Jenna get out of going to court by submitting to harsh, bottom-welting spankings!

Watch from 3 different angles: Main Shot, Full Face, Full Bottom!
Bonus features: Photo gallery, nude video photo shoot,    interviews, pre and post punishment interviews, more.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 21: Brandyn • DOWNLOADABLE
Complete DVD, featuring switchable camera angles, and all bonus features.

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$ 49.95
  SPANKIN' DOWN THE HWY 4 ''The Louisiana Lickin's at Mardi Gras'' (DVD)
Reality Spankings!
Format: DVD

Episode 4 picks up where 3 left off! This time, its a dark-haired Houston girl who gets her haunches tanned. Then a beautiful blonde from Ohio gets naked, and gets spanked, hard.

Two different camera angles to witness the punishment!

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$ 49.95
The Spankings Are REAL! Volume 1 (DVD)
Sample 5 Raven Hill Spanking Movies! Hosted by Richard Lewis.
See Highlights from:
*A Spanking Works Better
*Caught and Spanked!
*The Scorchings at Wentworth
*The Headmaster Blake Stingings
*Punishment Day

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$ 29.95
A Spanking Works Better - VHS

Ever fantasize about watching the neighbor girls getting good hard spankings?

Daddy's two bratty daughters come up with a hairbrained plan to actually ask for spankings, instead of getting grounded for poor school grades.

Some hard butt    warmings, strappings and paddlings widen their eyes, and change their attitudes about spankings and school.

Watching this video is as much fun as spying on the girls yourself, through the blinds!

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$ 49.95
County Sheriff's Bad Girl Spankings, No. 1 (VHS)
Three attractive and repentant scofflaws pay for their misbehavior in the old fashioned way: Uncomfortable and embarrassing Bare-bottom spankings over the capable Sheriff's knee!

Each girl then gets a very ample number of hard paddle swats that has them up on their toes, squealing their heads off in no time at all!

Very pretty performers and red-hot spankings make this video lots of fun to watch!

$ 49.95
''A Cruel Father'' and ''Old School in Russia''
Format: DVD

In Part 1, we see that this father cares little for his daughter’s shame as he bares her below the waist, and spanks her very soundly over his knee. In Part 2, unruly schoolgirls are tied down to a bench and whipped with birch rods. The screams and desperate pleas begin very early in the punishment.

$ 49.95
Office Rules
When she accepted the job, Pam also accepted the terms of her employment which include spankings for office screw-ups.

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$ 49.95
  Related Offerings    
Border Guard Blisterings (DVD)
Two pretty American girls end up on the wrong side of the law in Eastern Europe. They are put behind bars but not before they suffer forced nakedness and hard wodden ruler spankings while restrained.

Both young prisioners learn that disobedience is not tolertated in this institution when they are unmercifully spanked with a large wooden chlothesbrush.

A female staff member is also spanked with the same implement, but much more severely. She cries and begs to no avail!

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$ 49.95
Abduction, Part 1
Format: DVD

Innocent, gullible young girls are forcibly kdnapped and forced into filthy7 prostitution. Watch as their sadistic pimp makes them perform the most degrading sexual acts, then whips them savagely when they momentarily refuse his demented demands.

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$ 49.95
Punishment of Unfaithful Lesbian
Format: DVD

Two sexually unfaithful lesbians learn that “Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.” Both sexually perverted girls are stripped naked and must watch each other’s punishment. One girl is beaten with a cane until her bottom is next to blody. The other has her tits and vagina skillfullyu tortured in ways that only another woman would know.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 09: Marissa (DVD)

Extra DVD Advantages:

* Watch the spankings from TWO different camera angles!
* Witness behind-the-scenes preparation
* Watch candid interviews
* See a revealing still photography session
* Feast your eyes on complete still photography gallery
* Extra footage, and more!

See description of the action below.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 17: Mallory (DVD)
Reality Spankings!

Mallory refused to pay for a steam cleaner she goofed up. Instead, her pretty, light-skinned ass will pay the piper, with 3 severe, intense spankings!

Extra DVD footage:
* Candid, all nude photo session
* Three Different Camera Angles to choose from during spankings
* Before and after spanking interviews and thoughts
* Spanking promos

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 11: Hailey (VHS)
Format: VHS

Hailey used a friend's car without permission, and it got towed away!

The result was a Small Claims Court Case filed against her. We agreed to pay for the damages, if Hailey would consent to receiving three hard punishment-style spankings on camera.

She did, and she got spanked so hard, she actually vomited! It didn't matter to us. She got even more of a lickin' for it.

Our latest entry in the amazing REALITY SPANKING series.

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$ 49.95
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