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P.O. Box 15756   customerservice@ravenhillstudios.com
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
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Resolved by Corporal Punishment 04: Kimberly (VHS)
Kimberly was facing Small Claims Court for some inappropriate actions at the convenience store where she worked. In this REAL-LIFE spanking video, you'll watch this poor girl get set straight with three "appropriate" spanking punishments.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 03: Trina (DVD)
Real Girl Spankings!
Trina skipped on the rent, was summoned to court. But we solved the matter by paying her landlord, and in return, Trina consented to three, hard, butt-searing spankings!
* Choose from 3 different camera angles during the spanking
* Extra photo galleries
* More
See more description at Resolved 3 Trina VHS section.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 04: Kimberly (DVD)
Same as description for VHS version.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 07: Amber (DVD)
Same description as VHS version.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 05: Tara (VHS)

Tara left her roommate with unpaid bills. Facing Small Claims Court, she had us pay-off her roommate, and get the charges dropped.

Then, she came to Raven Hill Studios to have her bottom punished severely, with three, genuine, hard bare-bottommed spankings.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 10: Melanie (DVD)
Format: DVD

Extra DVD Advantages: 

* Watch the spankings from TWO different camera angles! 
* Witness behind-the-scenes preparation 
* Watch candid interviews 
* See a revealing still photography session 
* Feast your    eyes on complete still photography gallery 
* Extra footage, and more! 

See description spankings on VHS version.

$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 09: Marissa (VHS)
Format: VHS

Marissa let her mutt get loose, and it knocked up her neighbor's pedigreed breeder!

Marissa doesn't seem at first to see the error of her ways, offering all kinds of excuses for her negligent behavior. But, as    the punishments progress from a warming hand-spanking to bruising whacks with a grooming brush, to slicing, stinging strokes of the cane, her increasingly loud and anguished cries indicate that she's finally learned her lesson!

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 05: Tara (DVD)
Same description as VHS version

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 01: Rachel (VHS)
We solve REAL Small Claims Court cases, without parties having to go to court!

Rachel bounced a check at a local used furniture store. Instead of going to small claims court, she decided to take us up on our offer to get spanked instead. She saved some hassle of appearing in court, and spared her name from the court records. But her ass received quite a blistering for her mistake.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 08: Stacy (VHS)
Here's another exciting video entry in our acclaimed REAL LIFE spanking series, in which girls choose spankings instead of Small Claims Court appearances.

Here, Stacy, a professional secretary, makes the choice to receive corporal punishment for an unpaid loan that she co-signed on.

The painful result is a strongly disciplined bottom and a new attitude towards financial matters.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 03: Trina (VHS)
Debbie's roommate Trina gets punished HARD for her role in the apartment skip-out caper.

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$ 49.95
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