Raven Hill Studios   727-394-4-USA (727-394-4872)
P.O. Box 15756   customerservice@ravenhillstudios.com
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
  Offering Quantity / Selection Unit Price (USD)
SPANKIN' DOWN THE HWY 4 ''The Louisiana Lickin's at Mardi Gras'' (VHS)
Reality Spankings!

Episode 4 picks up where 3 left off! This time, its a dark-haired Houston girl who gets her haunches tanned. Then a beautiful blonde from Ohio gets naked, and gets spanked, hard.

Two different camera angles to witness the punishment!

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$ 49.95
Reform House Punishments (VHS)
This is a good, solid, Reform School movie featuring fully naked girls strapped hard in nicely revealing positions,

It also has one of the best hairbrush spanking scenes we have ever filmed. Trustee Angela, gives it to them good with the back of that brush and they really let you know how it stings their bottoms. They howl out loud in protest, but she keeps right on spanking till their rears are bright red and the tears free-flowing!

$ 49.95
When Its Long Overdue (DVD)
Same description as listed on VHS version (see "Family Values" section), but with these bonus DVD features:

* Behind-the-scenes spanking footage
* Spanking outtakes
* Performer Interviews
* Spanking Still Photography Gallery
* Spanking Video Promos

$ 49.95
Caught and Spanked! (VHS)
By the time girls get to VO TECH, they shouldn't have to submit to humiliating punishment like spanking!

But that's the rule of the workplace when three carpentry students get some "on the job training" from the foreman.

Watch as three cute behinds get spanked and paddled the in "heavy duty" fashion.

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$ 49.95
Girls Getting Spankings (VHS)
Format: VHS Tape

Same product as DVD version.

A Terrific Value!

$ 20.00
Paddling the Football Cheerleaders (DVD)
See movie description of VHS version.

DVD Bonus Features:
* Photo Gallery
* Extra Cheerleader Spanking Footage
* Spanking Promos

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 12: Sarah (VHS)
Same description as DVD version

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 18: Jenna (VHS)
Format: VHS

Same as DVD Description

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 16: Carla (VHS)
Same description as DVD version, but without extra bonus material.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 22: Amanda
DVD - Reality Spanking Series
Bonus Features include 3 camera angles to choose from while viewing, behind the scenes interviews, video of nude photo shoot, production stills, spanking promos.

Amanda ran up a cell phone bill but can't pay. Instead of going to court, she gets her hide tanned real good!

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$ 49.95
Spankin' Down the Highway 2: Kentucky/Ohio (DVD)
(Formerly "The Great Am. Spanking Roadshow" pt.2)

*Two Camera Angles for Spankings
* Extra, Never-Before-Seen Spanking Footage

Includes Real Mother SPANKING Real Daughter!!!

$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 09: Marissa (DVD)

Extra DVD Advantages:

* Watch the spankings from TWO different camera angles!
* Witness behind-the-scenes preparation
* Watch candid interviews
* See a revealing still photography session
* Feast your eyes on complete still photography gallery
* Extra footage, and more!

See description of the action below.

$ 49.95
Spanking Girls at the Bad House (DVD)
A naked catfight, and hard canings, hand spankings, and ruler spankings. Bonus DVD features, photo gallery, extra foottage, and more.

See expanded information at VHS description for "Spanking Girls at the Bad House"

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 26: Carrie
When Carrie abused her privileges at her job, it cost the company a sizeable amount.

Now, her boss is requesting that she pay it back, and will take an amount out of her next 6 paychecks to cover it. But Carrie can't afford to be shorted that amount of money each week. So, she's requesting Raven Hill Studios to get her out of debt before it escalates to a Small Claims Court matter.
The result, once again, is a settlement in which the obligation is paid (by us), Carrie is out of trouble, but

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$ 49.95
Reform House Punishments (DVD)
The spanking movie AVN Magazine says is "masterfully art directed and shot."

See the description listed for VHS version, but with Bonus DVD Features:

* Spanking Outtakes
* Performer behind-the-scenes footage
* Still Photography Gallery
* Spanking Promos

$ 49.95
''School Punishment 2'' and ''roughman Interview''
Format: VHS

In Part 1, Russian schoolgirls are punished on their bare bottoms in revealing and undignified positions for smoking. In Part 2, applicants to a Russian BDSM Club leave with hot, battered and sore behinds.

$ 49.95
The Spankings Are REAL! Volume 1 (DVD)
Sample 5 Raven Hill Spanking Movies! Hosted by Richard Lewis.
See Highlights from:
*A Spanking Works Better
*Caught and Spanked!
*The Scorchings at Wentworth
*The Headmaster Blake Stingings
*Punishment Day

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$ 29.95
  SPANKIN' DOWN THE HWY 4 ''The Louisiana Lickin's at Mardi Gras'' (DVD)
Reality Spankings!
Format: DVD

Episode 4 picks up where 3 left off! This time, its a dark-haired Houston girl who gets her haunches tanned. Then a beautiful blonde from Ohio gets naked, and gets spanked, hard.

Two different camera angles to witness the punishment!

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 08: Stacy (DVD)
Same as description for VHS version

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 14: Jane (DVD)
Format: DVD

Watch this just-turned-18-year-old get the spankings of her life!

Extra DVD Advantages:
* Watch her get spanked from THREE different camera angles!
* Behind the scenes preparations for the spankings
* Footage of NAKED still photography session
* Candid, off camera remarks and reactions from Jane
* Still Photography Gallery, featuring spanking and nude photos

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$ 49.95
Border Guard Blisterings (VHS)
Learn about the kinds of spankings given to two American students, traveling abroad, after they are stopped at the border.

And, a sassy Border Guard Cadet is knocked down a few notches when her skirt is raised, and panties are lowered for a bruising, blistering spanking.

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$ 49.95
Prepared for the Paddle (VHS)
How's this for starters?

Four cute, young girls in full schoolgirl regalia, three, less than ethical teachers, and an outraged school administrator all rolled together in an exciting, spanking-packed Raven Hill Studios video.

If you like to see schoolgirls spanked, paddled, and switched on their bare-bottoms, this video is for you!

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 09: Marissa (VHS)
Format: VHS

Marissa let her mutt get loose, and it knocked up her neighbor's pedigreed breeder!

Marissa doesn't seem at first to see the error of her ways, offering all kinds of excuses for her negligent behavior. But, as    the punishments progress from a warming hand-spanking to bruising whacks with a grooming brush, to slicing, stinging strokes of the cane, her increasingly loud and anguished cries indicate that she's finally learned her lesson!

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$ 49.95
When Its Long Overdue (VHS)
Two irresponsible roommates spend their money unwisely and don't have the rent for their landlord at the end of the month. 

They pay the piper over his knee, kicking and crying their way through bottom-blistering spankings, bent over paddlings, and completely nude canings they don't like one bit! 

These two girls learn in a hurry that it's better to act responsibly and have their rent paid on time, every time!

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$ 49.95
It's the old fashioned way to keep a girl in line! And you'll see a number of pretty girls getting their bottoms "corrected" with the backsides of stiff wooden hairbrushes. Here's a nice variety of those effective, bare-bottommed punishments, all contained in this compilation.

$ 15.00
Real Over-The-Knee SPANKINGS
They get their skirts raised, and their panties lowered. Then, they're dragged over the knee for nice, long, butt warmings from the bare hand! It's a real effective way to correct any young lady, and you'll be able to watch many of these cute girls get the proper, OTK spankings they need.

$ 15.00
Spankin' Down the Highway 1: Georgia/Tennessee (DVD)
(Formerly "The Great Am. Spanking Roadshow)
Format: DVD

*Two Camera Angles!
*Photo Gallery!

$ 49.95
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