Raven Hill Studios   727-394-4-USA (727-394-4872)
P.O. Box 15756   customerservice@ravenhillstudios.com
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
  Offering Quantity / Selection Unit Price (USD)
The Spankings Are REAL! Volume 4 (DVD)
See the girls getting spankings from these great Raven Hill Movies:
*County Sheriff's Bad Girl Spankings 2 (Broken Laws, Busted Butts)
*Detention Room Spankings
*Czech Brutal 1, Night of Beating
*Naked Violations
*Beach Girl Spankings #2

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$ 29.95
Tears from Russia 8-Disc Collectors' Set, No. 2
8 Full-Length RUSSIAN SPANKING MOVIES in one great Collectors' Set.

Produced in the former Soviet Union, these Russian movies are regarded as some of the most extreme, and most intense authentic punishment movies available. Click on "More Info" to see the 8 Full-Length Movies you get in Collectors' Set No. 1.

Regular Price: 199.95
Save over almost 110-dollars!

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$ 89.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 08: Stacy (DVD)
Same as description for VHS version

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 05: Tara (DVD)
Same description as VHS version

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 16: Carla (DVD)
Reality Spankings!

Carla didn't take care of her neighbor's property. Now she comes to Raven Hill Manor to get her naughty bottom taken care of, instead.

Bonus features:
* Revealing, nude photography session
* Candid interview
* Choose from    TWO different camera angles, to watch the spanking
* Extra footage, and spanking video promos

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$ 49.95
Punishment Day (VHS)
Cult leader Adrian believes in strict bare-bottom spanking discipline for all female cult members.

Watch as he administers it hard to one pretty novice. Then, an advanced cult member, one who has now learned a more accepting approach to the painful discipline, gets her firm, tight bottom spanked severely, satisfying exactly the desire she has yearned for.

$ 49.95
Beach Girl Spankings 01 (VHS)
These are real girls, not paid actresses or models! Two Kansas students, and one Miami visitor agree to get spanked on camera, for cash!

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$ 49.95
''School Punishment 2'' and ''roughman Interview''
Format: VHS

In Part 1, Russian schoolgirls are punished on their bare bottoms in revealing and undignified positions for smoking. In Part 2, applicants to a Russian BDSM Club leave with hot, battered and sore behinds.

$ 49.95
  Beach Girl Spankings 04 (DVD)
Real Life Spankings!

Description is same as VHS version. DVD includes photo gallery and spanking promos.

$ 49.95
Uncle Wayne's Woodshed Whippin's (DVD)
Same as VHS version, but with added bonus material.

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$ 49.95
Czech Brutal 1: ''Night of Beating'' (DVD)
NOW ON DVD! Exclusively offered by Raven Hill Studios.
One of the more stunning, and severe spanking videos EVER!

* Crystal-clear, high-quality, detailed picture
* Improved digital audio
* Extra Czech-made spanking footage and highlights

Visit the VHS version listed for further description of this video.

$ 49.95
  Beach Girl Spankings 04 (VHS)
Format: VHS

You'd be surprised at the REAL LIFE girls who can be talked into getting their bottoms whacked! Two Wisconsin girls get some old-fashioned butt-warmings.

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$ 49.95
Czech Brutal 2: ''Ruining His Bad Girl's Rear'' (DVD)
Videotaped in the Czech Republic.

Ultra-severe spankings, canings and belt whippings given to screaming and crying young girl.
*Bonus DVD features
*Extra Czech spanking foottage
*Photo Gallery

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 03: Trina (VHS)
Debbie's roommate Trina gets punished HARD for her role in the apartment skip-out caper.

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$ 49.95
County Sheriff's Bad Girl Spankings, No. 2 (VHS)
Three more cute scofflaws choose spankings instead of community service in Sheriff Collin's office.

The most mature of the three is spanked hardest of all because of her age and reveals her private parts very openly during her punishment!

$ 49.95
Punishment Day (DVD)
Watch as cult leader Adrian administers it hard to one pretty novice. Then, an advanced cult member, one who has now learned a more accepting approach to the painful discipline, gets her firm, tight bottom spanked severely, satisfying exactly the desire she has yearned for.

DVD Bonus Features:
* XXX-rated Scene Featuring Spanking Starlet from Movie
* Photo Gallery
* Spanking Promos

(see VHS description for more info.)

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$ 49.95
Spankings From Aunt Tina DVD
Bad Lad Entertainment
The Boys Get Spankings From the Girls!

Watch as three neighborhood brats finally push Aunt Tina and a visiting friend over the brink. Each is hand spanked until their asses are glowing red.

Next it's a strong dose of the    paddle, followed by good canings. One boy gets fucked right up his ass, for good measure!

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 14: Jane (VHS)
Same description as DVD, without bonus features.

$ 49.95
County Sheriff's Bad Girl Spankings, No. 1 (DVD)
Same as VHS version, but with additonal bonus DVD features:

* Still Photography Gallery
* Spanking Promos

$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 11: Hailey (DVD)
Format: DVD

Extra DVD Advantages: 

* Watch the spankings from TWO different camera angles! 
* Witness behind-the-scenes preparation 
* Watch candid interviews 
* See a revealing still photography session 
* Feast your    eyes on complete still photography gallery 
* Extra footage, and more! 

See description of the action in VHS listing.

$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 04: Kimberly (DVD)
Same as description for VHS version.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 02: Debbie • DOWNLOADABLE
Download the entire DVD, including swtchable camera angles and all bonus features.

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$ 49.95
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