Raven Hill Studios   727-394-4-USA (727-394-4872)
P.O. Box 15756   customerservice@ravenhillstudios.com
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
  Offering Quantity / Selection Unit Price (USD)
Spankin' Down the Highway 1: Georgia/Tennessee (DVD)
(Formerly "The Great Am. Spanking Roadshow)
Format: DVD

*Two Camera Angles!
*Photo Gallery!

$ 49.95
Getting It From Coach Thomas (VHS)
Three very attractive cheerleaders ask the football coach for some help in jump-starting their efforts to become top performers for an upcoming cheerleader competition. 

Guess what the coach's remedy for their laziness is! You bet, 
good hard spankings on their pretty bare-bottoms, right over the ol' coach's knee! 

When these cuties goof-off, get smashed, and blow the contest Coach Thomas tans their rears real good with his trusty paddle!

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 17: Mallory (DVD)
Reality Spankings!

Mallory refused to pay for a steam cleaner she goofed up. Instead, her pretty, light-skinned ass will pay the piper, with 3 severe, intense spankings!

Extra DVD footage:
* Candid, all nude photo session
* Three Different Camera Angles to choose from during spankings
* Before and after spanking interviews and thoughts
* Spanking promos

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$ 49.95
Cheerleader Spankings at Central State (VHS)
What better than two pretty cheerleaders, a demanding coach, and a leering principal?

There are spankings galore in this wild, school-themed spankings romp. Watch as each girl gets spanked good and hard. Then, you can peer into their showers to see how they console one another!

A special surprise spanking is also instore for their coach, and completely naked spankings for the girls!

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$ 49.95
School Punishment (Russia)
Format: VHS

Russian school discipline goes much further than a spanking on the girl’s bare bottom. This storyportrays the terror and pain Russian schoolgirls feel during a very harsh and thorough birching on the bare buttocks.    The helpless girls scream and writhe as their teacher whips them without mercy.

$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 15: Kirsten (DVD)
Reality Spankings!

Kirsten didn't follow the rules, so she ended up facing Small Claims Court. But this girl chose to have US pay-off the damaged party, and, in return, get her butt blistered good and proper!

Bonus DVD Footage:
* Three DIFFERENT Camera Angles. You choose what to watch!
* Behind the scenes
* Candid interview
* Photo Gallery
Spanking Trailers, and more.

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$ 49.95
Detention Room Spankings (DVD)
(See VHS version for full description of movie)

DVD Bonus Footage:
* Outtakes from production
* Extra schoolgirl spanking scene
* Photo gallery
* Spanking Promos

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$ 49.95
The Forbidden Room
Fooling Around With Serious Discipline Equipment Lands Two Girls In Trouble with the Master of the House.

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$ 49.95
SPANKIN' DOWN THE HWY 4 ''The Louisiana Lickin's at Mardi Gras'' (VHS)
Reality Spankings!

Episode 4 picks up where 3 left off! This time, its a dark-haired Houston girl who gets her haunches tanned. Then a beautiful blonde from Ohio gets naked, and gets spanked, hard.

Two different camera angles to witness the punishment!

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$ 49.95
Cheerleader Spankings at Central State (DVD)

See description of VHS movie

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$ 49.95
Belt Spankings at Reform House No.9 (DVD)
Hard, intense canings, paddlings, and belt whippings, given to naked and nearly-naked female inmates.
*Bonus DVD features
*Spanking Photo Gallery

See expanded informationn at "Belt Spankings at Reform House 9" VHS version.

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$ 49.95
  Rodding the Wentworth Girls (VHS)
Wentworth Academy's charming selection of very naughty schoolgirls just gets better and better! The two young vixens in this movie and their very attractive teacher are a delight to behold.

As always, Raven Hill Studios delivers the very real spankings we know you love to watch. The saucy bare bottoms of these two minxes suffer the indignity of hard OTK spankings, followed by painful paddling with a school ruler. Last but not least, both get a rapid-fire switching with a rattan cane th

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$ 49.95
The Spankings Are REAL! Volume 4 (DVD)
See the girls getting spankings from these great Raven Hill Movies:
*County Sheriff's Bad Girl Spankings 2 (Broken Laws, Busted Butts)
*Detention Room Spankings
*Czech Brutal 1, Night of Beating
*Naked Violations
*Beach Girl Spankings #2

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$ 29.95
Tears from Russia 8-Disc Collectors' Set, No. 2
8 Full-Length RUSSIAN SPANKING MOVIES in one great Collectors' Set.

Produced in the former Soviet Union, these Russian movies are regarded as some of the most extreme, and most intense authentic punishment movies available. Click on "More Info" to see the 8 Full-Length Movies you get in Collectors' Set No. 1.

Regular Price: 199.95
Save over almost 110-dollars!

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$ 89.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 05: Tara (DVD)
Same description as VHS version

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$ 49.95
  Beach Girl Spankings 04 (DVD)
Real Life Spankings!

Description is same as VHS version. DVD includes photo gallery and spanking promos.

$ 49.95
Czech Brutal 2: ''Ruining His Bad Girl's Rear'' (DVD)
Videotaped in the Czech Republic.

Ultra-severe spankings, canings and belt whippings given to screaming and crying young girl.
*Bonus DVD features
*Extra Czech spanking foottage
*Photo Gallery

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$ 49.95
Punishment Day (DVD)
Watch as cult leader Adrian administers it hard to one pretty novice. Then, an advanced cult member, one who has now learned a more accepting approach to the painful discipline, gets her firm, tight bottom spanked severely, satisfying exactly the desire she has yearned for.

DVD Bonus Features:
* XXX-rated Scene Featuring Spanking Starlet from Movie
* Photo Gallery
* Spanking Promos

(see VHS description for more info.)

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$ 49.95
  Related Offerings    
Border Guard Blisterings (DVD)
Two pretty American girls end up on the wrong side of the law in Eastern Europe. They are put behind bars but not before they suffer forced nakedness and hard wodden ruler spankings while restrained.

Both young prisioners learn that disobedience is not tolertated in this institution when they are unmercifully spanked with a large wooden chlothesbrush.

A female staff member is also spanked with the same implement, but much more severely. She cries and begs to no avail!

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$ 49.95
Abduction, Part 1
Format: DVD

Innocent, gullible young girls are forcibly kdnapped and forced into filthy7 prostitution. Watch as their sadistic pimp makes them perform the most degrading sexual acts, then whips them savagely when they momentarily refuse his demented demands.

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$ 49.95
Punishment of Unfaithful Lesbian
Format: DVD

Two sexually unfaithful lesbians learn that “Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.” Both sexually perverted girls are stripped naked and must watch each other’s punishment. One girl is beaten with a cane until her bottom is next to blody. The other has her tits and vagina skillfullyu tortured in ways that only another woman would know.

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$ 49.95
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