Raven Hill Studios   727-394-4-USA (727-394-4872)
P.O. Box 15756   customerservice@ravenhillstudios.com
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
  Offering Quantity / Selection Unit Price (USD)
Detention Room Spankings (VHS)
Want to watch identical twin girls get hard, bare-bottommed spankings?

This is the hot spanking video for you, as paddles and rulers flail away at FOUR pretty schoolgirl asses!

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 09: Marissa (VHS)
Format: VHS

Marissa let her mutt get loose, and it knocked up her neighbor's pedigreed breeder!

Marissa doesn't seem at first to see the error of her ways, offering all kinds of excuses for her negligent behavior. But, as    the punishments progress from a warming hand-spanking to bruising whacks with a grooming brush, to slicing, stinging strokes of the cane, her increasingly loud and anguished cries indicate that she's finally learned her lesson!

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 17: Mallory (VHS)
Same description as DVD version, but without bonus material.

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$ 49.95
Beach Girl Spankings 02 (VHS)
Format: VHS

Three more REAL GIRLS get spanked hard! Two Michigan girls think its all fun and games. But when the ass slapping starts, its a whole other story. Then, two Indiana girls take on the challenge to receive their spankings, and get the butt blisterings of their lives.

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$ 49.95
Punishment Day (DVD)
Watch as cult leader Adrian administers it hard to one pretty novice. Then, an advanced cult member, one who has now learned a more accepting approach to the painful discipline, gets her firm, tight bottom spanked severely, satisfying exactly the desire she has yearned for.

DVD Bonus Features:
* XXX-rated Scene Featuring Spanking Starlet from Movie
* Photo Gallery
* Spanking Promos

(see VHS description for more info.)

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$ 49.95
County Sheriff's Bad Girl Spankings, No. 2 (VHS)
Three more cute scofflaws choose spankings instead of community service in Sheriff Collin's office.

The most mature of the three is spanked hardest of all because of her age and reveals her private parts very openly during her punishment!

$ 49.95
Tears From Russia 8-Disc Collectors' Set, No. 3
8 Full-Length RUSSIAN SPANKING MOVIES in one great Collectors' Set.

Produced in the former Soviet Union, these Russian movies are regarded as some of the most extreme, and most intense authentic punishment movies available. Click on "More Info" to see the 8 Full-Length Movies you get in Collectors' Set No. 1.

Regular Price: 199.95
Save over almost 110-dollars!

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$ 89.95
The Countessa's Handerchief
Format: DVD

Even petty thievery is harshly punished in Russia. Two rural serf girls steal a minor item, but from a noblelady. They are stripped from the waist down and switched on their pussies. A birching on their naked bottoms soon follows that leaves them in repentant tears.

$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 18: Jenna - DVD
Format: DVD

Watch Jenna get out of going to court by submitting to harsh, bottom-welting spankings!

Watch from 3 different angles: Main Shot, Full Face, Full Bottom!
Bonus features: Photo gallery, nude video photo shoot,    interviews, pre and post punishment interviews, more.

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$ 49.95
Headmaster Blake Stingings The (DVD)
Its time for Headmaster Blake's snotty, scheming assitant to get the spankings she's been missing out on. 

After setting up her two classmates to receive stinging spankings and paddlings, Stephanie gets caught in a whole bunch of lies and feels what its like to go over Mr. Blake's knee, bend for the paddle, and get a good, hard caning. 

Bonus: Still Photo Gallery, Spanking Promos

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 21: Brandyn
DVD - Reality Series
Bonus Features: 3 Camera Angles to choose from while viewing, interview sessions, video of nude photo shoot, still photo gallery, spanking promos

Watch Brandyn get spanked hard to keep out of Small Claims Court.

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$ 49.95
Spanking Girls at the Bad House (DVD)
A naked catfight, and hard canings, hand spankings, and ruler spankings. Bonus DVD features, photo gallery, extra foottage, and more.

See expanded information at VHS description for "Spanking Girls at the Bad House"

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$ 49.95
Maid For Punishment
This attractive, but lazy maid gets her hide tanned by a very picky homeowner.

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$ 49.95
Beach Girl Spankings 05 (VHS)
They don't come to Florida to study in the library! Here, two of the more liberal beach girls we've ever talked into getting spanked, gladly strip off their bikinis and bend way over for harsh, bottom-reddening punishments.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 22: Amanda
DVD - Reality Spanking Series
Bonus Features include 3 camera angles to choose from while viewing, behind the scenes interviews, video of nude photo shoot, production stills, spanking promos.

Amanda ran up a cell phone bill but can't pay. Instead of going to court, she gets her hide tanned real good!

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$ 49.95
All the Full-Length Beach Girl Spankings Movies in One Special Set

Real Beach Girls. Real Authentic Spankings. 6 Volumes, 15 Pert, Perky, Attractive Young Beach Bunnies getting their tight tails whacked hard, with good, old fashioned, bare bottommed spankings.

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$ 199.95
''School Punishment 2'' and ''roughman Interview''
Format: VHS

In Part 1, Russian schoolgirls are punished on their bare bottoms in revealing and undignified positions for smoking. In Part 2, applicants to a Russian BDSM Club leave with hot, battered and sore behinds.

$ 49.95
Uncle Wayne's Woodshed Whippin's (DVD)
Same as VHS version, but with added bonus material.

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$ 49.95
SPANKIN' DOWN THE HWY 4 ''The Louisiana Lickin's at Mardi Gras'' (VHS)
Reality Spankings!

Episode 4 picks up where 3 left off! This time, its a dark-haired Houston girl who gets her haunches tanned. Then a beautiful blonde from Ohio gets naked, and gets spanked, hard.

Two different camera angles to witness the punishment!

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$ 49.95
  Related Offerings    
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 09: Marissa (DVD)

Extra DVD Advantages:

* Watch the spankings from TWO different camera angles!
* Witness behind-the-scenes preparation
* Watch candid interviews
* See a revealing still photography session
* Feast your eyes on complete still photography gallery
* Extra footage, and more!

See description of the action below.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 17: Mallory (DVD)
Reality Spankings!

Mallory refused to pay for a steam cleaner she goofed up. Instead, her pretty, light-skinned ass will pay the piper, with 3 severe, intense spankings!

Extra DVD footage:
* Candid, all nude photo session
* Three Different Camera Angles to choose from during spankings
* Before and after spanking interviews and thoughts
* Spanking promos

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 11: Hailey (VHS)
Format: VHS

Hailey used a friend's car without permission, and it got towed away!

The result was a Small Claims Court Case filed against her. We agreed to pay for the damages, if Hailey would consent to receiving three hard punishment-style spankings on camera.

She did, and she got spanked so hard, she actually vomited! It didn't matter to us. She got even more of a lickin' for it.

Our latest entry in the amazing REALITY SPANKING series.

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$ 49.95
When Its Long Overdue (DVD)
Same description as listed on VHS version (see "Family Values" section), but with these bonus DVD features:

* Behind-the-scenes spanking footage
* Spanking outtakes
* Performer Interviews
* Spanking Still Photography Gallery
* Spanking Video Promos

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$ 49.95
''A Cruel Father'' and ''Old School in Russia''
Format: DVD

In Part 1, we see that this father cares little for his daughter’s shame as he bares her below the waist, and spanks her very soundly over his knee. In Part 2, unruly schoolgirls are tied down to a bench and whipped with birch rods. The screams and desperate pleas begin very early in the punishment.

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$ 49.95
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