Raven Hill Studios   727-394-4-USA (727-394-4872)
P.O. Box 15756   customerservice@ravenhillstudios.com
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
  Offering Quantity / Selection Unit Price (USD)
Shame of Hasmabod
This movie has an intriging far eastern punishment theme. American girls working in a desert land where societal rules and cultural customs are very different, find that punishments for shoddy work are very severe and degrading.

Not only are they     thoroughly strapped and caned on a cold punishment table, the worst offenders are forced to perform sexual acts of the most embarrassingly intimate nature!

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$ 49.95
A Spanking From Mr. Ruppi (DVD)
It's Ass Blistering Time at the Plant!
Mr. Ruppi runs a tight ship at his business, and this little receptionist gets her tight bottom spanked hard for her transgressions.

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$ 49.95
Cheater Gets the Whipping (DVD)
For Cheating on Her Husband, This Girl Gets It Hard.

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$ 49.95
You'll Both Be Spanked Today
The Audition Goes Sour When Both Girl's Asses Are Reduced To Welts and Painful Searing!

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$ 49.95
A Spanking Works Better - VHS

Ever fantasize about watching the neighbor girls getting good hard spankings?

Daddy's two bratty daughters come up with a hairbrained plan to actually ask for spankings, instead of getting grounded for poor school grades.

Some hard butt    warmings, strappings and paddlings widen their eyes, and change their attitudes about spankings and school.

Watching this video is as much fun as spying on the girls yourself, through the blinds!

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$ 49.95
Punishment Day (DVD)
Watch as cult leader Adrian administers it hard to one pretty novice. Then, an advanced cult member, one who has now learned a more accepting approach to the painful discipline, gets her firm, tight bottom spanked severely, satisfying exactly the desire she has yearned for.

DVD Bonus Features:
* XXX-rated Scene Featuring Spanking Starlet from Movie
* Photo Gallery
* Spanking Promos

(see VHS description for more info.)

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$ 49.95
Border Guard Blisterings (VHS)
Learn about the kinds of spankings given to two American students, traveling abroad, after they are stopped at the border.

And, a sassy Border Guard Cadet is knocked down a few notches when her skirt is raised, and panties are lowered for a bruising, blistering spanking.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 06: Lisa (DVD)
(see VHS version for full description)

Photo Gallery included on DVD, along with spanking photo gallery, and spanking promos

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 11: Hailey (DVD)
Format: DVD

Extra DVD Advantages: 

* Watch the spankings from TWO different camera angles! 
* Witness behind-the-scenes preparation 
* Watch candid interviews 
* See a revealing still photography session 
* Feast your    eyes on complete still photography gallery 
* Extra footage, and more! 

See description of the action in VHS listing.

$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 11: Hailey (VHS)
Format: VHS

Hailey used a friend's car without permission, and it got towed away!

The result was a Small Claims Court Case filed against her. We agreed to pay for the damages, if Hailey would consent to receiving three hard punishment-style spankings on camera.

She did, and she got spanked so hard, she actually vomited! It didn't matter to us. She got even more of a lickin' for it.

Our latest entry in the amazing REALITY SPANKING series.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 20: Allison
Reality Spankings!

Allison learns the hard way that part of the duties of renting a home is to take care of the pool!

Instead of going to small claims court, Allsion consents to receive spankings.

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$ 49.95
Getting It From Coach Thomas (VHS)
Three very attractive cheerleaders ask the football coach for some help in jump-starting their efforts to become top performers for an upcoming cheerleader competition. 

Guess what the coach's remedy for their laziness is! You bet, 
good hard spankings on their pretty bare-bottoms, right over the ol' coach's knee! 

When these cuties goof-off, get smashed, and blow the contest Coach Thomas tans their rears real good with his trusty paddle!

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$ 49.95
Daddy's Friend Spanks Harder (DVD)
When Daddy's Heart Just Isn't In It, His Drinking Buddy Friend Does the Deed, Spanking the Daylights Out of Little Shelly.

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$ 49.95
Naked Violations (VHS)
Reform School administrators and staff have little patience with rule breakers. Three young girls earnestly wish they had never seen such an awful place where a mature girl can be spanked just like a naughty child!

Unwise insolence subjects these    three to canings, hairbrush spankings, naked restrained strappings, and sexual violation!

$ 49.95
It's the old paddle, cracked across their bare bottom that will change the attitude of any girl! Here's a delightful collection of bare bottom paddlings, captured by the Raven Hill Studios cameras. Watch girl after girl, wince in pain from each hard swat.

$ 15.00
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 22: Amanda
DVD - Reality Spanking Series
Bonus Features include 3 camera angles to choose from while viewing, behind the scenes interviews, video of nude photo shoot, production stills, spanking promos.

Amanda ran up a cell phone bill but can't pay. Instead of going to court, she gets her hide tanned real good!

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$ 49.95
'Czech Brutal II, ''Ruining His Bad Girl's Rear'' (VHS)
Videotaped Entirely in the Czech Republic.

A Czech madman decides his daughter needs some much stricter discipline than she's used to receiving.

This poor girl is stripped naked, then caned and leather strapped until she's howling at the top of her young lungs.

Another very severe offering from Eastern Europe.

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$ 49.95
Beach Girl Spankings 06 (VHS)
Two young beach girls get talked into hard spankings. Knowing us, you can be assured that their comely bottoms got spanked bright red that afternoon!

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$ 49.95
Spanking Girls at the Bad House (VHS)
Reform House Girls are spanked hard.

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$ 49.95
The Spankings Are REAL! Volume 3 (DVD)
Watch spanking highlights from these Raven Hill movies:
*Prepared for the Paddle
*Cheerleader Spankings at Central High
*Uncle Wayne's Woodshed Whippin's
*Belt Spankings at Reform House Number 9
*Beach Girl Spankings #1

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$ 29.95
Czech Brutal 1: ''Night of Beating'' (DVD)
NOW ON DVD! Exclusively offered by Raven Hill Studios.
One of the more stunning, and severe spanking videos EVER!

* Crystal-clear, high-quality, detailed picture
* Improved digital audio
* Extra Czech-made spanking footage and highlights

Visit the VHS version listed for further description of this video.

$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 04: Kimberly (VHS)
Kimberly was facing Small Claims Court for some inappropriate actions at the convenience store where she worked. In this REAL-LIFE spanking video, you'll watch this poor girl get set straight with three "appropriate" spanking punishments.

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$ 49.95
Border Guard Blisterings (DVD)
Two pretty American girls end up on the wrong side of the law in Eastern Europe. They are put behind bars but not before they suffer forced nakedness and hard wodden ruler spankings while restrained.

Both young prisioners learn that disobedience is not tolertated in this institution when they are unmercifully spanked with a large wooden chlothesbrush.

A female staff member is also spanked with the same implement, but much more severely. She cries and begs to no avail!

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 10: Melanie (VHS)
Format: VHS

Melanie got into trouble with her ex-roommate for damaging some personal belongings. Instead of going to Small Claims Court, Melanie had US pay-off her debt, and then consented to receive three, harsh, bare-bottom spankings, on CAMERA!

You'll delight in this episode of our acclaimed REALITY spanking series.

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$ 49.95
  Related Offerings    
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 17: Mallory (VHS)
Same description as DVD version, but without bonus material.

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$ 49.95
  Beach Girl Spankings 02 (DVD)
Real Life Spankings!
Same description as for VHS version. DVD includes photo gallery and additional spanking promos.

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$ 49.95
  SPANKIN' DOWN THE HWY 4 ''The Louisiana Lickin's at Mardi Gras'' (DVD)
Reality Spankings!
Format: DVD

Episode 4 picks up where 3 left off! This time, its a dark-haired Houston girl who gets her haunches tanned. Then a beautiful blonde from Ohio gets naked, and gets spanked, hard.

Two different camera angles to witness the punishment!

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$ 49.95
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