Be warned before watching this movie... We actually broke two paddles and a thick yardstick while shooting. There are some very intense spankings here!
The story begins with four popular, stuck-up school girls who are bitter rivals. They are constantly using their teachers to take revenge on each other, by getting the elders to dish out bare-bottom spankings, belt spankings, and even a hard spanking with a wooden yard-stick! We get to watch 7 different spankings here, administered by three different teachers. Each spanking is incredibly intense, in fact, there's even a scene in the shower room with a double caning administered by the lady gym coach!
The trickery and manipulation all backfires on them, though, when their hijinks just get way to disruptive, and the girls are given an after school punishment session worse than ever before! One after another, they must bend over to receive hard whacks from paddle of the superintendent. Soon the four girls are paddled raw! By the end of the scene, the skin on their soft bottoms is broken and bruised. These young ladies have never felt so remorseful in their lives!