Kirsten did NOT want to go to court, facing a Small Claims Judge regarding her interesting matter.
You see, Kirsten moved into a new, 2nd floor apartment, on the stiulation from her landlord, that she would NOT set up a waterbed. A few weeks later, Kirsten decided she WANTED her waterbed set up, and called some friends in to help.
Not thinking straight, the girls decided to run out to a liquor store for a six pack of beer, while the hose ran water into the king size mattress.
One thing led to another, the water hose fell out of the bed, sending water throughout the apartment, all the while the girls took their time getting beer.
The resulting damage to not only Kirsten's apartment, but to the landlord's lower level unit, was substantial. When Kirsten couldn't come up with the money needed, her landlord was forced to file a Small Claims suit.
We paid him off BEFORE the case went to court. Kirtsten arrived at Raven Hill Manor, and prepared herself for the application of three, severe, intense, old-fashioned spankings.
You'll watch as Kirsten's light-colored ass glows red from the initial, five-minute hand spanking.
Then, you'll delight as Kirsten's already throbbing butt is subjected to a strong, deep-welt-producing hairbrush spanking.
The punishment is not over until Kirsten is bent way over the Raven Hill Caning Tuffet, where she receives her full measure of 30 slashing, slicing cane strokes.
Intense, real, authentic bare bottommed spanking action!