Raven Hill Studios   727-394-4-USA (727-394-4872)
P.O. Box 15756   customerservice@ravenhillstudios.com
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
  Offering Quantity / Selection Unit Price (USD)
Punishment at Ninja River
3 American strip club girls experience frightful, painful and degrading punishments after accepting jobs dancing in an Asian country.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 11: Hailey ● DOWNLOADABLE
Download the complete DVD of Resolved by Corporal Punishment 11: Hailey. Includes reverse angle camera options, and all bonus features.

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$ 49.95
Resolved by Corporal Punishment 21: Brandyn • DOWNLOADABLE
Complete DVD, featuring switchable camera angles, and all bonus features.

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$ 49.95
Headmaster Blake Stingings The (DVD)
Its time for Headmaster Blake's snotty, scheming assitant to get the spankings she's been missing out on. 

After setting up her two classmates to receive stinging spankings and paddlings, Stephanie gets caught in a whole bunch of lies and feels what its like to go over Mr. Blake's knee, bend for the paddle, and get a good, hard caning. 

Bonus: Still Photo Gallery, Spanking Promos

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$ 49.95
Punishment Day (DVD)
Watch as cult leader Adrian administers it hard to one pretty novice. Then, an advanced cult member, one who has now learned a more accepting approach to the painful discipline, gets her firm, tight bottom spanked severely, satisfying exactly the desire she has yearned for.

DVD Bonus Features:
* XXX-rated Scene Featuring Spanking Starlet from Movie
* Photo Gallery
* Spanking Promos

(see VHS description for more info.)

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$ 49.95
Her Payback: A Spanking
When Two Girlfriends Fight, It's Ass-Damaging Spanking Galore.

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$ 49.95
Office Rules
When she accepted the job, Pam also accepted the terms of her employment which include spankings for office screw-ups.

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$ 49.95
Annikka's Demerits

Three military school girls find life at the base consists of strict rules, and stinging, bare-bottommed punishment!

Watch as cute cadets get stripped, then get spanked, hairbrush spanked and caned until their bottoms are glowing.

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$ 49.95
  Related Offerings    
Belt Spankings at Reform House No.9 (DVD)
Hard, intense canings, paddlings, and belt whippings, given to naked and nearly-naked female inmates.
*Bonus DVD features
*Spanking Photo Gallery

See expanded informationn at "Belt Spankings at Reform House 9" VHS version.

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$ 49.95
Rodding the Wentworth Girls (DVD)
Same description as VHS version, but with bonus features including:
*Photo Gallery
*Spanking Promos

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$ 49.95
The Forbidden Room
Fooling Around With Serious Discipline Equipment Lands Two Girls In Trouble with the Master of the House.

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$ 49.95
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